Welcome to the Multiple Disabilities & DeafBlind Division (Division 3). We fulfill the mission of Division 3 through collaboration with other AERBVI divisions and partnerships with organizations sharing similar goals. Members assist in the development of professional standards, support of legislative and educational initiatives at the state and national levels, and we promote the understanding of the impact of multiple disabilities/DeafBlindness upon all aspects of life. Our division shares and encourages members to engage in meaningful professional development opportunities and to add to the breadth and depth of knowledge in our field through research and writing.
“The Division promotes communication and exchange of ideas among its membership and fosters a sense of unity within the field and cooperation with regions and chapters; promotes and publicizes specialized services to persons with disabilities and their families; compiles and dispenses information about professional training opportunities; promotes in-service training opportunities; fosters research and writing in the field; assists in developing professional standards; promotes community acceptance and integration of affected individuals; promotes and advocates for legislative issues impacting the quality of life of affected persons and promotes development of assistive and instructional technology needed by affected persons.”
CollAERborations Newsletter
The CollAERborations Newsletter is a joint effort by the Multiple Disabilities/DeafBlindness, Infant/Preschool, Education Curriculum, Itinerant Personnel Divisions of AER.
CollAERborations Newsletter 2017 – Word
CollAERborations Newsletter 2017 – PDF
Winter 2016 Volume 3 Issue 2 – Word
Winter 2016 Volume 3 Issue 2 – PDF
Multiple Disabilities and DeafBlindness Brochure
Multiple Disabilities and DeafBlindness Flyer – Word
Multiple Disabilities and DeafBlindness Flyer – PDF
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