
Together We Are Stronger

AER is the only international professional organization dedicated to supporting the professionals who work in education and rehabilitation for children and adults who are blind and visually impaired. AER develops and promotes professional excellence through the support of those who provide services to people with visual impairments by providing professional support, networking, publications, professional development, scholarships, advocacy, benefits, discounts and so much more!

Who Should Join AER?
Whether you are an emerging, new, veteran, retired or somewhere-in-between professional in the vision field, AER is right for you. AER offers several membership types that include Individual, Corporate, Retired, Transitional and Student.

Our members include Orientation and Mobility Specialists, Vision Rehabilitation Therapists, TVIs, Low Vision Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Assistive Technology Professionals, Professors, Administrators, Students, Product and Service Businesses, and many other related professionals.

Check out the links on the left hand navigation bar to learn more about the types of memberships available, the benefits, and to join and renew your membership.