AER LIFT is an acronym for “AER Leadership Initiatives Facilitate Teamwork” which was established as a chapter and division leadership training program for AER elected officers to strengthen the association. The training program was designed to stimulate and encourage more involvement of grass roots members, thereby assisting the association in fulfilling its mission of providing support to AER members at the chapter and division levels.
AER LIFT Online offers critically needed leadership training for chapter and division leaders. Current AER leaders, committee members, and members who are considering a leadership position in the future, are encouraged to participate in any of these free webinars.
Robert’s Rules of Order Simplified (PowerPoint)
Presenter: Jim Adams, AER President, 2012-2014
Board meetings, as well as Chapter and Division business meetings, are an important part of the operation of any association, and there are certain ways to conduct these meetings to make sure the work of the membership gets done, and gets done correctly!
Join Jim Adams as he presents – in simple terms – Robert’s Rules of Order, the parliamentary guidelines on how to run a business meeting. This is relevant information for any current or upcoming chapter or division member, as well as those members interested in serving in a leadership role.
Making AER Meetings and Conferences Accessible for All (PowerPoint)
Supplemental Handout
Presenter: Ike Presley, TVI, CLVT – American Foundation for the Blind
Issues related to accessibility of meetings and conferences are always a concern to professionals in our field. AER strives to be a leader in our field in the area of accessibility. The AER Accessibility Committee has been working for the past several years on developing guidelines for making meetings and conferences accessible to all participants.
Participants in this presentation will become acquainted with a series of checklists designed by the committee to help chapters/divisions address issues of accessibility. In addition, guidelines will be provided for making presentations and handouts accessible. These guidelines can be shared with presenters, informing them of the necessary requirements that must be followed to make their presentations accessible.
Learning Objectives
•Participants will be able to list at least 3 major conference/meeting activities that must be addressed for accessibility.
•Participants will be able to list at least 3 options for providing accessible materials at meetings/conferences.
•Participants will be able to list at least 3 components of a slide presentation that must be addressed to ensure that the presentation is accessible to all.
Recruitment of Vision Professionals…What is Being Done About It?
Audrey Dannenberg, M.Ed., M.A., COMS, CVRT, former TVI
Laura Bozeman, Ph.D., COMS, CLVT
Michael Munro, M.Ed., TVI
Tina S. Herzberg, Ph.D., TVI
Have you looked around a conference room recently? Not at the chandeliers but at the individuals in the chairs? How many of us are over 55? How many are under 30? No need to admit your age, but there is a shortage of vision professionals. The AER Professional Personnel Recruitment Committee published four recruitment brochures in 2013. What is the next step? How are universities recruiting to their programs? Where should recruitment presentations be done, and what should they say? Let’s talk solutions and continue to take action.
Learning Objectives:
•Participants will access the AER recruitment brochures on-line.
•Participants will identify several locations to do presentations on recruitment.
•Participants will identify 3 individuals in their state or province who have been or are interested in recruitment activities.
AER Chapter Liability Insurance and Proposed Chapter Restructuring
Presenters: Michael Williams, Forrest T. Jones & Company; Jim Deremeik, chair, AER Bylaws and Structure Committee
AER chapters, though part of AER, were created as independent entities, and therefore not covered by AER’s insurance policies. Michael Williams will provide in-depth details about the different insurance policies an association should maintain to ensure it has the coverage necessary to weather unexpected challenges.
Jim Deremeik, chair of the AER Bylaws and Structure Committee, will outline a plan that could help chapters afford the coverage they need.
Hotel Contract Negotiations – Beyond the Basics
Presenters: Scott Williamson, Conference Direct, and Joelle Ward, AER Sr. Director of Professional Development & Component Relations
Contract negotiations with hotels can be a daunting process. Scott Williamson and Joelle Ward will guide participants beyond the basics of contract negotiation and explain common and unique clauses, what to look out for, know what is negotiable, and how to calculate a conference’s worth in order to leverage more power and leave as little money on the table as possible.
Association Law – Traps for the Unwary Chapter Leader
Presenter: Paul Cooney, Principal Attorney at Paul E. Cooney Law Office
Tax-Exempt associations and their chapters increasingly have been the targets for enforcement activity by the IRS, as well as private litigants.
This webinar will review the legal context of AER and its chapters, with a focus on key hot topics, including:
•IRS compliance requirements for associations having group exemption, including 990 requirements,
•chapter incorporation,
•requirements for chapter affiliation agreements,
•required conflict of interest and whistleblower policies,
•unrelated business income tax (e.g., advertising, fundraising revenue), and
•avoiding director and officer legal exposure
The AER LIFT Webinars are intended for educational purposes only and do not replace independent professional judgment. Statements of fact and opinions expressed are those of the participants individually and, unless expressly stated to the contrary, are not the opinion or position of the AER
AER does not endorse or approve, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, accuracy or completeness of the information presented. Attendees should note that sessions are audio recorded and may be published in various media, including print, audio and video formats without further notice.
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