Invitation to Be a Peer Reviewer

YOU Can Become a Peer Reviewer for AER’s The New RE:view!

  • Have you worked in a professional field related to visual impairment for at least five years?
  • Do you regularly read journals, newsletters, and books related to visual impairment?
  • Have you had specialized training and/or education related to visual impairment?
  • Do you often exchange ideas and opinions with others who have professional and personal experience with visual impairment?

If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, please consider contributing to our professional community as a peer reviewer.

The New RE:view (TNR) is seeking experienced professionals who can review articles that are being submitted for consideration for publication. We rely on experienced volunteer reviewers who have expertise on various topics related to blindness and visual impairment. Reviewers will read selected articles in their area of expertise and make recommendations regarding publication.

Manuscripts will be assigned to TNR’s Associate Editors based on their areas of expertise. The Associate Editor who coordinates the review will identify and contact qualified peer reviewers, provide detail about the review process, and manage the reviewed manuscript.

If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer for TNR, please complete the Peer Reviewer Application at TNR PR Application. You will be asked for your contact information and to indicate your areas of expertise on this online application form.

Your participation as a peer reviewer can ensure that AER provides relevant and high-quality literature for professionals in practice. We hope you will join us!

Continuing Education Credits are available from ACVREP for each completed peer review.