Three awards are given each year to recognize individuals who have made a difference in the field.
Omar L. Miron Award for Excellence in Rehabilitation
The WAER Rehabilitation Award was posthumously renamed the Omar L. Miron Award in 1990 to honor a man who was committed to his profession and to providing quality services to the persons he served.
William H. English Award for Excellence in Education
The WAER Education Award was renamed the William H. English Award in the early 1990s. William English was a leader in his profession and a life-long educator of children who are blind or visually impaired.
WAER Special Award
The WAER Special Award is given to an individual who is not a member of AER but who has made a significant contribution to the field.
Read More and See Past Award Recipients
Each year, WAER awards one $1,000 scholarship to an individual interested in entering or continuing a vocation in education, rehabilitation teaching, rehabilitation counseling, or orientation and mobility for persons with visual impairments. WAER awards this scholarship to a student who is a Wisconsin resident or has a verifiable commitment to work in Wisconsin.
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