
The AER Kentucky Chapter strives to connect professionals in the Kentucky area to resources, services and to other professionals in the area!

Please click here for interested in KYAER Community Partners Ads and Exhibiting

Benefits of Membership:

  • Professional Development & support: (AER members receive reduced rates to AER sponsored events).
  • Financial support: Stipends for KAER and AER conferences.
  • ACVREP credit for KAER sponsored events.
  • Advocacy at local and national levels.
  • Access to the most current publications in the field.

Leadership: Kentucky AER Board of Directors 2022-2024

President: Peggy Sinclair-Morris
President Elect: Amanda Lannan
Past President: Kim Metzgar
Treasurer: Angela Powell
Secretary: Stacy Jena
Director of Rehabilitation/All Services:  Kyrstin Price
Director at Large: Kevin McCormack
Student Representative: Brittany Williamson

Click here to read our Bylaws: Bylaws