00:24:30 Rhonda Beach Tyree: Link to PPT https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uG9anW6rCymGe1hH8ylCnC9KRwZi2r1R/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103370682295304767498&rtpof=true&sd=true 00:28:49 Monique Coleman: Lack of awareness of the field 00:29:04 Jamie Maffit: Lack of awareness of B/LV professions and services. 00:29:05 Nancy D Miller she/her: Training is primarily at the graduate level for VRT and O&M We need more bachelor level 00:29:05 Fabiana Perla: Lack of public awareness of the field 00:29:05 VIA Amanda Cleesattel: Lack of knowledge of the professions in general 00:29:06 Nathalie de Wit: Unknown field 00:29:06 William Hixson: individuals not knowing what the prosfession is/does 00:29:06 Nicole Johnson: People unaware that it is a profession unless they personally know somebody in the field or has a family member/close friend that is blind. 00:29:06 Khanh Phan: Profession not widely known. 00:29:07 Sylvia Purnell: Awareness 00:29:07 Grace Ambrose: lack of awareness of this career 00:29:07 Diane Wormsley: Most people don't know anything about the profession of teaching children with visual impairment 00:29:07 Beth Brady: Tuition support 00:29:07 Caitlin Graham: lack of awareness 00:29:08 Susan Olivo: lack of awareness 00:29:08 Gina Bryant: information about the field 00:29:08 Devin Burns: Lack of awareness 00:29:08 Lachelle Smith: Awareness of BLV professions 00:29:09 Rebecca Renshaw: Awareness of the field 00:29:09 Liz Meade: lack of knowledge of the field 00:29:10 Wes Vaina: Vision studies isn't being presented as a career path, even when students explore the traditional fields of education. 00:29:11 Frances Mary D'Andrea: Lack of visibility of our field in general (people don’t know we exist) 00:29:21 KAREN ROSS: Low compensation 00:29:31 Cathleen McGuire: Lack of knowledge in the field 00:34:16 Rhonda Beach Tyree: south 00:34:25 Rona Pogrund: Lack of awareness 00:34:25 Belinda Rudnger: Lack of awareness 00:34:26 Kevin McCormack: Many are unwilling to work in rural areas along with low pay 00:34:27 Rachel Schles: Ability to return to school to get TVI licensure after learning about the field 00:34:27 Nora Griffin-Shirley: salary for rehabilitation service personnel, especially contractors 00:34:27 Susan Yarbrough Garner: Awareness of the job of TVIs and O&Ms 00:34:27 Elly du Pre: Dictionary of Occupational Titles has inaccurate/uninspiring information on our professions. 00:34:28 Tina Herzberg: Lack of knowledge about the professionals who serve individuals who are visually impaired 00:34:28 Audrey Dannenberg: profession is best kept secret 00:34:28 Eileen Bischof: Others don’t know TVI or OMS exist as career options 00:34:34 Justin Kaiser: Low salary for Masters level professionals 00:34:44 Sandra Lewis: People have never heard of this job 00:36:44 neva fairchild: Retirement in droves 00:37:33 Susan Yarbrough Garner: I’ll echo Rachel’s point. Accessibility of post-graduate teaching training is a challenge. 00:37:48 Danene Fast: lack of awareness about VI as a profession 00:37:48 Tiffany Wild: Lack of awareness of the field 00:37:48 Dawn Anderson: Lack of knowledge and experience with the profession. Personnel Prep is expensive to run compared to other education areas. Many vision specific skills necessary to do the job well. Many programs only scrape the surface of what is necessary. So teachers begin with a feeling of overwhelm, needing to enhance scores on the job. 00:37:51 Mackenzie Savaiano: Motivation to change careers 00:37:54 Amy Scepaniak: finding a assistant professor for the program 00:43:43 Chris Bischke: In addition to what has been noted by others - the current perception of educators within the state by parents, the state board of education and legislators. 00:43:44 Raychel Callary: Few billing/employer options. Unable to contract with medical providers. Listings in occupational index and education/certification requirements needed? 00:43:51 Ellen Hoke: ignorance of knowing the field exists 00:43:55 Nicholas Casias: Lack of grant funding opportunities at pupil personnel level…we are heavily reliant on osep grant funding (we are a small program but expensive to maintain for university) due to small cohort sizes If we don’t receive a grant our program becomes “endangered” Also Graduate level degree with credential and certification practitioners are not compensated by agencies and the state at a equitable level 00:48:39 KAREN ROSS: Agree - attrition based on burnout due in part to requirements for ongoing PD and recertification, Necessary for quality, but time-consuming and potentially expensive 00:50:59 Fabiana Perla: University resources 00:52:31 Beth Brady: I’m also running into a move away from specialization within Special Education at the university level. I’m sure many of you are encountering more inclusion focused programs, which is great in many ways, but leaves no remove for a vision specialization. 00:54:19 Nora Griffin-Shirley: focus of OSEP on interdisciplinary programs for funding 00:55:19 Chris Bischke: Nora, Agreed! 01:11:43 Rachel Schles: https://redcap.link/WhyTVI 01:14:12 Sandra Lewis: we are our best recruiters 01:14:53 Eileen Bischof: Offering prospective students opportunities to shadow local TVIs has been an effective strategy to convince those who may be on the fence 01:18:52 Beth Brady: Agreed Mackenzie, we have same issue with areas of upstate NY 01:19:32 Frances Mary D'Andrea: and with so few undergrad programs, it means that students have to continue on to grad school—that can also be a barrier. 01:20:48 Susan Olivo: That's good to know, Audrey. Thanks. 01:20:50 Nora Griffin-Shirley: TSBVI has flyers also to use for recruitment. 01:21:22 Nicholas Casias: Another problem is OT,PT,OD Don’t know who we are 01:21:27 Rhonda Beach Tyree: 2. Worksheet 1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hIII4xBy933IBBB35L2GwWh-cNki2rMB/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103370682295304767498&rtpof=true&sd=true 01:38:21 Donna Lee: Can you repost the link? I had to change devices and cannot access past chat posts. Thank you 01:38:54 Wes Vaina: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hIII4xBy933IBBB35L2GwWh-cNki2rMB/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103370682295304767498&rtpof=true&sd=true 01:39:37 Nancy D Miller she/her: Recruit young older persons Second career early retirees Recruit from within your own organization Cover all costs and add financial incentives 01:42:54 Anisio Correia: this sheet does not appear to be accessible, unless I'm experiencing operator error myself! 01:45:12 Tessa McCarthy (she/hers): If anyone else needs me to email a Word document of the worksheet, let me know 02:21:22 Rhonda Beach Tyree: 3. Worksheet 2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SLdlAGkqabskRu1hkgl1SSaHGcwdG7R_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103370682295304767498&rtpof=true&sd=true 02:37:06 KAREN ROSS: Can you get me into TVI (M-Z)? 02:37:15 Mackenzie Savaiano: I do not have a pop up either - TVI (M-Z) 03:00:07 Rebecca Sheffield: This is a creative group! 03:02:37 Erika Fundelius (she/her): Until 4/15 03:03:29 Erika Fundelius (she/her): As in grant apps are due 4/15 03:04:10 Mackenzie Savaiano: I have thoroughly enjoyed this forum. Thank you for organizing this and I look forward to implementing some of these ideas. I have an other meeting so I have to jump off now. Bye everyone! 03:05:53 Tessa McCarthy (she/hers): Phase 2 Interest link https://forms.gle/qJHkPLZHibZ4ZXzF6 03:06:02 Elly du Pre: Thank you to Rhonda for great facilitation and work process. 03:07:58 Rebecca Sheffield: could you share a complete link to the form (instead of a shortened URL) - security sometimes blocks access to shortened URLs. thanks! 03:08:27 Rhonda Beach Tyree: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHtjBN6jkQ8y87xIf6pWuWehHmVkm-z2MdWNbjv0clh5LnGw/formResponse 03:08:29 Khanh Phan: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHtjBN6jkQ8y87xIf6pWuWehHmVkm-z2MdWNbjv0clh5LnGw/viewform 03:08:36 Rebecca Sheffield: thank you! 03:08:48 Tessa McCarthy (she/hers): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHtjBN6jkQ8y87xIf6pWuWehHmVkm-z2MdWNbjv0clh5LnGw/viewform?usp=sf_link 03:12:35 Tessa McCarthy (she/hers): Evaluation https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDQkwdGDalTnqFQpsfhKsAzbONRqOaRwFPLLfXRh6XkDc6ew/viewform?usp=sf_link 03:13:50 Grace Ambrose: Thank you so much everyone!! this was wonderful!! 03:13:50 Tessa McCarthy (she/hers): tessam@pitt.edu 03:14:50 Monique Coleman: Thank you everyone! Great discussion and ideas! 03:15:45 Elly du Pre: Is there a link for the evaluation? 03:15:51 Tessa McCarthy (she/hers): Evaluation https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDQkwdGDalTnqFQpsfhKsAzbONRqOaRwFPLLfXRh6XkDc6ew/viewform?usp=sf_link 03:17:44 Beth Brady: Thank you!! 03:17:51 Sandra Lewis: thanks! 03:17:53 Erika Fundelius (she/her): bye 03:17:59 Beth Brady: So nice to see everyone! 03:18:02 Rona Pogrund: Thank you, Tessa, for organizing this forum!