Greene County Educational Service Center
Orientation and Mobility Specialist

Job Description


The Greene County ESC is hiring a qualified Orientation and Mobility Specialist for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year to work with school age children.

This position is a full time, 5 days per week, work schedule.

District: This teacher will be assigned to GCESC programs and/or Greene County districts

General Description:

· Assist students with visual impairments to achieve maximum independence through instruction in safe, efficient travel within the home, school and community. Services also include instruction in compensatory skills including daily living skills, self-advocacy, and recreation or leisure skills as related to orientation and mobility and self-determination. Community-based instruction is assumed and is a critical component of the orientation and mobility program.

· Participate in the referral and assessment process of visually impaired students.

· Conduct evaluations of the orientation and mobility needs of visually impaired students. Areas of evaluation may include:

· Concept development: Spatial-positional, Temporal, Environmental

Please include three (3) references, copies of licensure, and cover letter with your application.

Salary Range: $56,103 – $88,000 for 183 days and based upon experience.

For inquiries contact:

Sue Campbell, Vision Supervisor at Greene County ESC at 937-767-1303, ext. 1152 or OR

Kimi Kesling, HR coordinator at Greene County ESC at 937-767-1303, x.1105 or


· Ohio Department of Education Teacher’s Certification/Licensure in COMS

· Training and experience in teaching students with multiple Impairments and working effectively with educators and families.

· Meet legal requirements relative to a criminal background check

· Maintain acceptable attendance record and punctuality


$56,103 - $88,000



360 E Enon Road, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387